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The Ten Podcast

May 31, 2021

In this episode of The TEN, we come to you live from Melbourne, Australia where the government has implemented another snap circuit breaker lockdown for seven days to combat a rise of cases found in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. Testing centres heaving again, vaccine centres seeing an uptick in customers and a very...

May 22, 2021

In this episode of The TEN, we discuss the proposition of vaccine passport rollout in Australia and what that could look like. The incentives around the world being offered to take up the jab, everything from beer to donuts to a million dollar lottery, why are the powers that be pushing so hard with propaganda? We cover...

May 16, 2021

In this episode we discuss doing your own research and formulating your own opinions regarding your own health. The media/pharma machine has ramped up their efforts to deliver propaganda to the masses  and now more than ever should you really look at all sides of any chemical compound you allow into your body. 

May 9, 2021

In this episode of The TEN, we discuss Frank's recent return from interstate travel where he was gobsmacked at how immobile and unhealthy the general population look and move. Movement is medicine and your body requires that it be stimulated and moved daily in order to function at its highest capacity. Does this mean go...

May 2, 2021

In this episode of The TEN, we discuss sleep and joint health alongside proper recovery and prehab. We're all interested in improving performance or cognition, but most of the time the big rocks are what need to be focused on first before the sand and pebbles are added to the jar of life.

Focus on Sleep, Joint Health,...