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The Ten Podcast

Jul 25, 2021

In this episode of The TEN, we discuss the 5th lockdown imposed by the Victorian government still using PCR tests and "cases" as the primary driving factor to lockdown 6.6 million healthy individuals, small business struggle, absurd health advice from state chief health officers, vaccine propaganda across social media platforms and the big pharma shills who promote it, proposed vaccine passports & MORE.

Now more than ever we must be vigilant to the programming and propaganda that is flooding our news feeds and media outlets daily. A divided populous is very easily manipulated, you can combat it by connecting and discussing all that is going on in the world without anger, hatred and animosity towards each others standing of opinion. 


DM any questions for Q&A to our Instagram page @10podcast

You can find us on Instagram (@10thplanetmelbourne) // (@Mannyzen)

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Keep it 10!